My Trolls - Bridget


Features in: Sgeulachd Castle

Bridget came to Scotland to leave behind disappointment. Dubbed a stranger by those MacDonalds guarding Sgeulachd Castle (literally ‘story’ castle), Bridget gradually wins their hearts and defeats her past. Her original surname and background are irrelevant as she became a MacDonald herself.
Bridget is a keen researcher, but shuns public light. But get her talking about the history of Sgeulachd Castle and all the people associated with it, and you’ll see her open up. Her infinite knowledge about the place guarantees a fascinating story.
Bridget is not afraid of heights. When the castle was still ruined she would climb the bare walls to take in the surrounding area. Nowadays, with the castle fully restored, she will stand on top of the roof joined by two younger generations of MacDonalds with her lover, Rhona, and Rhona’s twinbrother Ryan watching her from down below. Every generation has at least one to stand on top of the castle: Bridget came to claim a vacant position.