My Scotland - Whisky


The only distillery on Skye, the island of mist. The water used for this fantastic whisky flows over peat, so for a non-Islay whisky it is nicely peated. The only remark I have is that this brand uses caramel for additional colouring... which will undoubtedly also make it a tad sweeter. Always makes me wonder what it would taste like without.


Talisker 10Talisker 10 years

Dark gold colour.
Fragrance is promising a warm whisky.
Warm, strong and robust taste with a fairly short finish for such a peated whisky.





Talisker StormTalisker Storm

Equally promising fragrance, but despite its name, not stronger. Compared to the regular 10, it tastes a bit sharper. Its finish is soft and like the 10-y-old, fairly short.



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