My Books - The Children of the Mist

Children of the Mist cover

The Children of the Mist - MacGregor Saga

Karen and Craig were the "Children of the Mist", a legendary couple of musicians who were so perfect, so unreachable, so private, they remain a mysterious legend to this very day, not in the least because they left two twin boys who - at the age of two - disappeared without a trace. Scotland searches high and low for two boys who must have inherited a gift for bagpipe playing, a talent for every musical instrument and a passion for Clan Gregor, but their entire childhood they remain undiscovered. Until they turn eighteen, and the MacGregor mansion at Glen Orchy awaits its new owners.
But do the boys themselves know who they are?

I've written this twice already and I will completely rewrite this again, as a sort of "magnum opus". I've come up with this story in 1994 and since then my growing knowledge on Clan Gregor and Scottish history as a whole keeps adding ingredients to the story. This is the one story where everything comes together and the only story in which my "Craig" and "Karen" (the very basis of nearly every story) can be used by their proper names.

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